LEGO Indiana Jones
The game was way too easy. I mean, I did have to use a couple helps from some internet junkies who spend all their time on the video game boards, but hey....a girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do. I was so close but couldn't find a few pieces no matter how hard I tried. Ironically, the harder I searched the further they were. I wasn't the only one that looked online either. I didn't even have to ask the question. Someone else had a hard time finding it before me and asked. They even left a really nice, easy to find, subject line too. I have to thank the LEGO maniacs...cuz without them...I'd still be playing the game.
I won't even spoil the end of the game. I will say, however, that after already having saved up to buy all the x features.....I wasn't the least bit happy with the great prize it gave me. All that saving and hoarding of coins to purchase the x features so early in your game isn't worth it. I'm just sayin'.
I went back and tried to finish my Star Wars Complete Saga game, but it's really boring having played it 1.6 billion times already. I think I'll just take a break from XBox 360 and get some laundry done. Oh and someone once said that kids really do need to eat. ;)
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